People always ask us and it’s just not in our nature to accept help. So some friends decided to not listen to us and started a fundraising campaign: and we love them for it. We would do the same in their shoes and that’s ultimately why we have swallowed our pride and said ok.

Over 100 people have donated. Kelsey and I are moved to tears at the generosity and love that has been flowing from friends, family, and even complete strangers.

We’re still going to fight the insurance company as they should be the ones paying for this. And when we win that battle these donations will be paid forward.

“Thank you” somehow doesn’t seem like an appropriate response. Everyone is creating hope for us and there’s no way to pay it back, so we promise to pay it forward.

Here’s the 2nd way you can help. Jeffrey Roe is a VP at Premera Blue Cross and the CEO of LifeWise, my heath plan provider. His email address is Please only send constructive messages. I’m sure a few hundred messages would go a long way. He actually responded to the email I sent him already. Here’s the reasoning they gave us in the appeal for denying the coverage:

“This decision was based on the plan language and medical policy, which specifically excludes benefits on any service or procedure that LifeWise determines is experimental/investigational.”

Loma Linda built the first Proton treatment center. In 1990. They had 15,000 patients by 2011.

That’s the longest investigation/experiment I’ve ever fucking heard of.